Today, we gathered up the kiddies and headed to our local stadium for another Family Field Trip.
We were set up to take the Grand Slam Tour of Kauffman Stadium, the home of the Kansas City Royals.
I won't give you a play-by-play (hee), but suffice to say the two hours were we visited just about every square inch of the stadium...
Some photos:
In the dugout...I tried to hide my purse, as I imagine there's a rule that says, "There's no purses in dugouts!!!" (Like the famous quote, "There's no crying in baseball!"
As close to home plate as I'll ever get.....
When I'm rich and famous, I'll give interviews at this microphone in the Press Room....
Actually, when I'm rich and famous, I'll be WATCHING the game from this suite...
Sitting in the dugout...dreaming the dreams that little boys dream..."Someday...."
Doing his best manager stare-down in the dugout...
The phone in the dugout to the bullpen. I imagine this phone's been used a few times...
Can't wait to plop my buns on those baseball stools in the lounge...
Standing on the warning track...they call it this because you're warned to stay off the grass. The groundskeeper will murder you if you mess up the grass.
Let's sit in the Press Box and pretend we're famous sports journalists...
Buck O'Neil's statue has been known to give a few bruises to out for that foot. It doesn't budge.
Look at all that pine tar on that bat...can you guess whose bat this is??!!
A very rare sight empty Hall of Fame. Normally, this room has 33,775 people in it.
Every one of these balls represents a hit that George Brett had in his career...over 3,000.
Yum. Is it any surprise that I love this billboard out in the outfield?
At the end of our tour, we were given some autographed baseballs and Royals hats.
The kids loved it, and so this was a resounding success as a Family Field Trip.
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