After quickly getting ready, we all load up the car and hit the road and drive to Ocean City. Because Uncle Gene is talking to us and giving us a tour, he misses several of his exits - and so we take a really, long scenic route to get there. Apparently, I'm not the ONLY one in the family who can't drive and talk at the same time. It's apparently genetic. And he used to be a cop. Scary.
We arrive at the Shore and park and start walking along the Boardwalk - and it is hot. I'm talking, "fry an egg on the sidewalk hot." And it's also surprisingly devoid of people. Not that I'm complaining - all of you dear readers know how I feel about barbarians.
We offer dear daughter an opportunity to go jump in the waves and swim, but all she has eyes for is the amusement park. So, we head to Gillian's Wonderland Pier and much to our delight, we find out that Thursdays, until 4:00 pm, all rides are only TWO tickets apiece! Woo hoo! We do the happy dance - and then send dear daughter - by herself - on the first of many nauseating rides of the day. I think she looks happy, don't you?
While we're doing our best to get her sick - including letting her ride the Whirl-a-Gig four times in a row, my aunt and uncle engage in a serious discussion - I think they're deciding who has to provide the barf bag in case my dear daughter tosses her cookies.
Thankfully, we run out of tickets before dear daughter embarrasses herself - or us - by getting ill. I think my aunt and uncle were relieved. So, we hop back into the car and head to the Inlet Restaurant for lunch.

After lunch, we head back to the house - taking a little snooze on the way. Heat and a full tummy will do that to you.
That evening, we have a big family dinner over at Cousin Karen's. The food was excellent - we had London broil, grilled chicken, green beans, potatoes, and salad. I had seconds of everything. I am seriously going to have to start exercising on this vacation. Darn it.
All in all - a very good relaxing day...spending quality time with my family on the Coast whom I don't see very often. Enjoying good company and good food - life doesn't get much better than that.
Tomorrow: the beginning of our Disney Adventure.
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