What a weekend!
Friday was my birthday, so I spent the day doing what any birthday girl should do - cleaning the house. Actually, I rather enjoy cleaning (does that make me weird?) and I love a clean house for the weekend, so I did what I enjoyed. My boys and I had Chipotle for lunch - my favorite - and it was a great day.
That evening, Hubby took me to dinner to J. Gilbert's, where I had a delicious sea bass in lemon sauce for dinner...yummo! I LOVE seafood!
After dinner, we headed to the Glenwood Arts Theater, where we watched Winter's Bone, a film that is a gripping, bleak look at the meth world in the Ozarks.

It won a Sundance Film Festival award - and well deservedly - especially the 17-year old star. She was amazing.
Saturday was spent preparing for the big party we were having on Sunday...I drove to a nearby Honeybaked Ham store and got caught in a torrential downpour that knocked power out to areas of the city - including the ham store. I got there just before they were closing - and luckily, my meat trays were still cold and edible. Yikes.
That evening, we went to church, where we heard a fantastic sermon on what it takes to be a parent - mom OR dad...it was very thought-provoking, as well as uplifting. If you want to listen to it, click here.
After church, we headed to a pool party being thrown by Hubby's former boss - who retired about 2 years ago. "John" and his wife have spent the last 2 years building a multi-million dollar house - and it was. to. die. for. OMG. It's next door to the guy who started Monster.com, so that tells you a little bit about the neighborhood we were in. The backyard pool area was something out of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"...actually, the entire house could have been on an episode of "Cribs"! We enjoyed chatting with some of Hubby's co-workers, including a guy who bought a house a year ago in Ft Myers (he's the one who talked us into looking there).
Sunday was all about Father's Day...picnic...party...boating...lake...food...fun...this was our first Father's Day/Birthday we've been in town for in five years - so we had a bang-up celebration. The party began at 3:00 p.m. and the last guest didn't leave until 9:30 p.m. Yikes!
My dad with my brother, me and my sister...
We ate...drank...boated...tubed...swam in the lake...chatted...took pictures...ate some more....drank some more...and partied until we couldn't drop anymore. It was great to have most of the family here...the only one missing was our daughter, Maggie, who's stationed in the Army in Japan right now....
What a weekend! I collapsed last night after picking up after the party. And for good reason.
I hope YOUR weekend was awesome!
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