Friday night, Hubby and I and Daughter headed out for some delicious Mexican dinner and then went to the show. We saw Toy Story 3 - which was pretty freakin' awesome. I loved it. And I cried. Couldn't help it. Of course, I'm the girl that cries during commercials on T.V...so it's not a stretch that I would cry during the movie. I HIGHLY recommend seeing this movie if you haven't already!
Saturday was my nephew's 5th birthday party, so we headed over to party with the family. My nephew is into Toy Story and Pirates - which is an interesting combination. I think just about every single gift he got was Toy Story-related. And we all got to wear pirate patches and pirate hats - aaarg, maties - it was fun.

Until the monsoon hit. We were outside, and the sky turned dark, the winds came, and then we were all soaked. I guess pirates would get soaked on their ship during storms, so we were just getting into character, I guess.
Saturday night was the night from hell for me. I finished up a book around midnight, and then turned off the lights to sleep. But sleep was elusive - it did not come. At 1:00 a.m., I gave up, got up, and took a sleeping pill, which eventually kicked in. I'm tellin' ya, though - insomnia sucks.
Sunday was the 4th of July - and we headed over to the Yacht Club in the morning for the Ski Show on the lake and games and a picnic. I had volunteered to bartend for an hour at the Tiki Hut, and so I was kept busy, whipping up Bloody Marys and Screwdrivers....I'm heavy on the vodka, so I had quite a bit of business. :) Hubby and daughter kept busy wandering through the crowd (there was at least 150 people there) and chatting with neighbors and watching the awesome Ski Show on the lake.
The children had some old-fashioned games - turtle races, egg races, sack races - and then we had a delicious picnic of burgers, cole slaw and beans. Yummy. And I had one of my Screwdrivers to top it off. Even better.
We got home around 1:00 pm and then all three of us - Hubby, Daughter and me - all collapsed for a nap. That is UNHEARD of in this house! We never take naps! Maybe there was some Xanax in the food or something....
Hubby and Daughter went over to Oldest Stepdaughter's house last night for the fireworks...being that I absolutely hate fireworks, I hibernated at home with the pets. My dog didn't seem to mind the Boom Boom Pow going on, but my cats? Different story. Now I know where the term "scaredy-cat" comes from. I felt their pain, as I hate the noise, too. I cranked up the TV and tried to drown it all out - but it was hard.
I eventually gave up and gave in, grabbed the dog, and went down to the dock to watch some of the fireworks over the lake. This is unheard of - ME, watching fireworks...but it was kinda' cool to sit there in the dark, with the dog, watching the reflection of the fireworks over the water...
The fireworks at the lake had just finished at 9:30 pm when the skies opened and the rains came...and it rained all night and has been pretty much raining all day today...but that gave me a good excuse to pull the suitcase out and get my packing for Guatemala done EARLY.
Yes, you read that right...EARLY. I am packed 3 days before I leave.
Unheard of.
But soooooo nice.
And - we had FOUR showings of the "old" house over the weekend - which, considering it was a holiday weekend, we were thrilled. Feedback has been very positive - so we're crossing our fingers that one of those showings will lead to an offer.
How was YOUR weekend?? Did you do anything unheard of??!
1 comment:
Holy cow. I'm not surprised because you always have the busiest life but this seems like a lot even for you! I never knew that about cats, DQ. I thought they wouldn't really notice.
I'm glad you're packed early. Now you can make a drink or two (since you just had so much practice) just for you to celebrate.
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