What a difference four years makes.
Yesterday, my oldest son graduated from Truman State University...and what a proud mama I am.
Four years ago, after we had moved him into the dorm, we began the long 3-hour drive home without him - and I bawled.
Yup. I bawled.
How was my "baby" going to make it without his mama?
Would he get up in time for his classes?
Would he make friends?
Would he even GO to classes and pass them?
What if he got lost on campus? What if he got hurt?
What if - gasp! - he forgot to wash his underwear??!!
I guess he did just fine...he graduated yesterday with a double major in Philosophy and Religion, and a double minor in Spanish and Classics.
As far as friends?
He made lots...including a girlfriend that he's been seeing for a year.
Time marches on...kids grow up...he now plans on going on to graduate school in the fall, living in an apartment on campus.
Proud? Most definitely...
...but with that pride comes a bit of bittersweetness, as I realize that my "baby" isn't a baby anymore.
Congratulations to all the graduates yesterday at Truman, as well as everywhere around the world. You rock.
Congrats to you both!
This gives me some small comfort... my youngest is graduating HS in 13 days, leaving for time with relatives before starting college in fall in 15. I'm already freaking out a little.
My babies are six months old and I'm bawling along with you at the thought of them moving on with life. All I can see is having the next 18 years or so to get completely attached to them in a gazillion different ways just to have them up and move out one day. I hope they call!
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