I am busier now - when I’m not working- than I ever was before. How does that happen? Like today, for instance? I have four meetings. FOUR meetings!
This morning, I meet with the movers to go over the stuff you go over with movers – you know, all that moving stuff. This afternoon, I head downtown for a monthly COAD meeting. (Coalition of Organizations Active in Disasters). I go to represent the Red Cross, and we meet to discuss all that disaster stuff. This evening, at 6:00, I have a Mission meeting at church, to discuss a whole bunch of mission stuff. And then, at 7:00, it’s our quarterly Dream Team meeting at church – to discuss “dreams” – or the future of the church stuff.
That’s a whole lot of stuff.
Makes me want to retire. Oh, wait a minute…. I AM retired.
Hey – something’s not right here?!!?!
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