To tell? Or not to tell?
And no, I'm not referring to the "Don't ask, don't tell" debate that is currently raging in the question is directed towards parents....
While I was out of town this weekend, my 10-year old daughter had a playground accident at school on Friday afternoon. Hubby left work immediately and drove Dear Daughter (DD) to the emergency room, where she was diagnosed with a broken nose. Plastic surgery is in her future, but not until she is a little older, per doctor instructions.
Hubby never told me about this - not Friday night, when we were on the phone, nor on Saturday night...I didn't know about it until I got home Sunday night and found the ER paperwork on the kitchen counter. To say I was freaked out and upset doesn't begin to cover it. Hubby didn't want to upset me, he said - and what could I have done anyway? I was six hours away - and had ridden with friends - so I had no transportation available to me. He further defended himself by saying that it wasn't life-threatening....but still....
I would have liked to know - I don't like surprises of any sort.
And so the question... Do you tell? Or don't tell? Was he right in not telling me? Was he wrong?
Just wondering....
I think he was right in not telling you cuz what could you have done anyway? You would've been upset and even more upset knowing you couldn't do anything about it until you got home.
I think it was alright for him not to tell you at first, but he shouldn't have let you find out through seeing paperwork. That's just bad form. (No pun intended)
I agree. Little one's will get bumps and bruises. But, there's also no denying the strength of a woman's maternal instinct. I see his point. I would have acted similarly. Hope she's doing well, poor thing.
Take care.
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