My favorite day of the week.
"Why is that, Drama Queen?" you ask.
"Well, Dear Readers - I'll tell you!" I reply.
First, Sunday means the Sunday paper.

I love the Sunday paper. I love reading the newspaper, period. But the Sunday paper - it's especially wonderful. It's thick. It's heavy. And it's delivered to me in bed every Sunday by my wonderful hubby. Yes, I may tease him and pick on him, but he really is an angel. Sometimes.
After savoring every square inch of newsprint in the paper, we then get ready for church.
I love my church. I love the people. I love the messages. And I especially love the music.

Hubby and I joined the Gospel Choir a few months back - which is the best choir for me, because my body just won't sit still when it hears music. Seriously - it begins to sway, my foot begins to tap, and my fingers begin to snap. The Gospel Choir is all about the beat and the rhythm and the dancing during the music. The song we sang today, "Total Praise," is one of my favorites just because of the ending. We go into 4-part harmony at the end, singing "Amen" over and over - and it just ROCKS!
After church means lunch at La Fuente, my favorite Mexican restaurant.

We go there every Sunday after church and so the staff there knows us and they like us. I think they do, anyway. We leave good tips. They will turn the pre-game football show on just for us. Seriously. When we walk in every Sunday - on goes the TV and I get to watch the pre-game shows. I love eating my delicious cheese enchiladas and watching some pre-game analysis.
Because, then - after we get home from lunch - it's FOOTBALL!

Doesn't matter that my Kansas City Chiefs are horrible this year - doesn't matter that we've only won one Super Bowl EVER in the history of the game - I am a fan. And a true fan never gives up. And stays faithful. Every Sunday. A game at noon. And then another game at 3:00 pm. Six hours of blessed football. Life is good.
After football, it's normally family time...our family is so large (7 kids, 8 grandkids - so far - and growing all of the time!) that someone, somewhere, is normally having a birthday party.

And you can't have a birthday party without cake. With blue icing. And an angelic granddaughter with said blue icing on the nose. :)
Yes, siree, Sundays are special here in Drama Queen's house. So, I'm off to enjoy mine.
What are YOUR Sundays like? Favorite traditions? Favorite routines you like to do? What is your favorite day of the week?

Oh Sundays around here can be kind of hectic. We do a lot of grocery shopping, catching up on housework, etc. If we want to relax it's usually on Saturdays. But your Sundays sound much more enjoyable. lol
Sundays are my favorite days too. And I'd have to agree that WCC is the main reason. Used to be I'd want to sleep in on Sundays, and for 20 years, we had season tickets for the Chiefs' games, so rather than hang around church, we'd have to take off to get a handicap parking spot at the stadium. Not an easy task. Too many fans misusing the "hang tags" so we'd have to get there 2-3 hours early. Now though, I don't have the tickets, I'm on the Hospitality Team, I usher on the 4th Sunday (today) and I sing in the Gospel Choir. It's all good. The people are so awesome. But, I don't read the paper--never have. I shop, I clean, I Facebook...anything other than reading the paper. Please let me know if there's anything in there you think I need to know about. Seriously--I really like being clueless. If it doesn't affect me and I can't do anything about the situation anyway, I don't want to stress out about it. I know what you're probably thinking, but just know that I'm a pretty happy person and I want to stay that way.
I love that Total Praise song! It melts my heart and sends my soul soaring!
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