…with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore…..
‘Twas the day before Thanksgiving,
and all through our cabin…
We’re surrounded by chaos,
So cooking’s not happenin’.
We’ve got workmen downstairs,
installing tile and grout –
There’s an electrician in the closet –
and contractors running about.
Our kitchen is a disaster;
We don’t know where anything’s at…
Pots and pans still in boxes,
so no chance of getting fat.
I in my work clothes
and hubby in his jeans
had just settled in…
to start cooking the beans….
When out in the driveway
there arose such a noise –
I looked out the front window
and saw my teenage boys.
They’re home for the holiday!
And they’re expecting a big meal.
I go to greet them and say,
“Uh….so here’s the deal….
“We’ve been remodeling this house
…since way before June…
and I honestly thought
that it would be done pretty soon.
"But that’s not the case
as you can plainly see…
I hate to break it to you, boys,
But we don’t have a turkey.”
“No turkey!” they exclaim,
“Ridiculous!” they shout,
And then they proceeded
to have a good pout.
It was just about this time
that my phone began to ring…
My mother’s on the line,
and she proceeds to sing…
“Happy Thanksgiving to You”,
she warbles with glee…
and I cry out, “Mom – stop!”
“It’s a disaster! Can’t you see?!”
I tell her our woes
and how we can’t cook…
She listens for a while,
and then she says, “Look-”
“I’m calling to invite you
& the whole gang to our house!
Pack up the kids, the dog,
the cats – even the mouse!”
“Come on over tomorrow -
Don’t worry about food.
It’s YOU we want to see!
And in a good mood!”
Aren’t families wonderful?
My mom is especially neat…
She’s cooking & baking for us
and that’s where we’ll eat.
We’ll have turkey and stuffing,
green beans and pie…
And then we’ll have seconds,
because, of course, we’re not shy.
So thank you for indulging me
On this pathetic little rhyme.
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving,
And I’ll see you next time!
**Okay, confession time: I took poetic liberties with this tale…
1. My boys want to point out that they don’t “pout.” They may sulk, but they most definitely don’t “pout.”
2. We don’t own a mouse. And if we did – we wouldn’t take it to Grandma’s.
3. My mom didn’t have to do all of the cooking. My mom always does the turkey and I always do the veggies – so, I was able to find enough pots and pans to make all of the side dishes. And I even made a Pumpkin cheesecake. I love to cook – and I love to cook for Thanksgiving, especially!
Everything else is true. ☺
wow...! did you write that?! that was really, really good! you are talented, my dear!
happy thanksgiving! enjoy your family!
Yes - I wrote this - just whipped it out, so to speak!
Thank you!
And I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, as well, Noelle!
nice post. thanks.
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