Another Friday...my Friday Fragments today are some thoughts and observations I have on current events. (If you remember, my dear Hubby seems to think I need to include current events in my blog - so this is to appease him, somewhat....)
...I keep dreaming about Haiti...I'm not sure if this is because my brain is full of the images I keep seeing all over the television, or if perhaps God is calling me to go there....

...at this point, the American Red Cross is sending money to Haiti, but is not sending "domestic" volunteers, such as myself. They are utilizing the International volunteers only...I will be an International volunteer at some point in the future, I hope, but with children still at home, it's just not possible for me to do this now. If the ARC begins sending domestic volunteers, they will give priority to French-speaking volunteers - and that's not me. I speak Spanish - albeit, basic Spanish - but alas, no French.
...the situation in Haiti makes everything else seem so trivial - and ironically, the biggest "story" in our news, second to Haiti, seems to be the shake-up at NBC and "The Tonight Show."
...a year ago today, "The Miracle on the Hudson" happened. Captain Sully and his heroic actions that day still warms my heart....
...I'm about ready to cancel my subscription to People Magazine. Last week, I'm subjected to the horrific image of Kate Gosselin and her $7,000 hair extensions, and this week, it's the horrific image of Heidi Montag and her 10 plastic surgeries done on one day.

...airport security is beefed up - yet again - due to the looming threats from our ever-present terrorist friends. Coming home last week from Jamaica, we were subjected to several intense searches - bags, our bodies - as we boarded the plane. I am all for the searches - the more, the better - if it thwarts the plans of the bad guys. Heck, I'm in favor of the body scan x-rays that are controversial - I want the good guys to do whatever it takes to make flying safe, however inconvenient it may be...
...the 2nd wave of H1N1 seems to have subsided, and yet medical experts are warning of a 3rd wave coming soon...I didn't get vaccinated and I wonder if I should...I always worry about "new" vaccines and the potential long-term side effects from said shots...
...and that's it...my ramblings are over. Just some thoughts on the news...and with that said, I'll go enjoy my Friday. I hope all of you enjoy yours!
I keep wishing there were something I could do about Haiti... go help clear rubble, read to kids, SOMETHING. I feel so powerless.
Oh I bet it is hard not being able to be there to help since you are trained to do so. I join you in prayers for this hard hit country. The rest is totally inane isn't it?
i am totally with you on the kate gosselin and heidi montag overexposure. i mean, seriously...heidi WHO? what has she ever done to deserve to be on the cover of people besides join the michael jackson plastic surgery club...?!
i just watched an interesting show on discovery channel last night about the plane crash into the hudson river. it was chilling. watch it if you can...it has interviews with some of the passengers and actual footage. it was very moving.
i'm praying for the haitians.
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