We've now been living here at the lake for two months...and it is still a breath of fresh air every day - and new discoveries every morning when I wake up, look out my windows, and see how Mother Nature has dressed the lake for the day.
I have found myself calmer...more relaxed...and more 'zen' since moving here....If I feel myself getting stressed, it seems all I have to do is look out the window and watch the water...I watch the ripples; I watch the sunlight dancing off the waves; I watch the geese as they socialize in their little circles; or I watch the fox as he approaches the lake, looking for dinner, perhaps.
This was a good move for us. I am happy.
that is absolutely gorgeous! did you take that photo?! wow...stunning!
p.s. i LOVE your comments on my blog but i can't reply because you have to fix your settings! please, pretty please...fix them. i have instructions on my sidebar if you don't know how to do it. unless you just don't want to...that's ok...but let me know because i want to reply to some of your wonderful comments...and i can't.
Noelle - I fixed my comments thingy - thanks for showing me how to do it!
And yes - I took the photo this winter...that's the view out of my hearth room window.....Thanks!
That's a gorgeous phot! Definitely one worth framing.
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