It's Friday! Squee! And I've got nothin'....
Actually, I've been super busy and just haven't had time to sit and ponder on the mysteries of life so that I could blog about them....so, we're going to go with the always reliable, always easy "5-Question Friday."
1. What is your worst memory of your siblings?
The fact that they even exist! Kidding! I'm the oldest of 3, and it seems like I'm usually the responsible one....the younger two always seem to be asking for favors. Just this week, sister asked if I would be her wedding coordinator (and I laughed and laughed and then said "No way!"), and then brother was in a car accident and asked to borrow my spare car for a few days (for THAT, I said yes...accidents are accidents and it wasn't his fault). Over all, I love my siblings and I'm glad we all live close to each other.
2. What was your naughtiest childhood memory?
I was actually a pretty good kid, I think...being the oldest brought a certain maturity and responsibility. I DID lose my mom's wedding ring...that was probably the worst thing I ever did. That was pretty horrible. I'm surprised my mom didn't kill me. I know I would have killed my kid if they'd done that. Seriously!
3. Where do you like to go to relax?
Anywhere with water...either sitting by it, here at the lake...or sitting in it, as in a warm bath...or even swimming in it, as in the ocean. Heck, even a nice, warm shower is relaxing to me. I love water.
4. What was the last thing you won?
Um...wow. Toughie. I think I won a cake at the school carnival last year at the Cake Walk. I don't win too many things....Oh, wait! I won the "Community Relations" Award last year for the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American Red Cross....! That was pretty cool!
5. If you could be on a game show, which would you choose?
Does "Survivor" count? I would LOVE to be on either "Survivor" or "The Amazing Race." I would love the skill and the adventure and the strategy - those are fantabulous game shows!
So - that's it. I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!
Man, my sibs were the pits. They were always doing stuff like trying to suffocate me with pillows. I admit I was a brat, but didn't think I was murder worthy! lol
Cute post! Love the questions about your siblings.
I also love the water. One day I hope to live beside it!
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