I look back over my shoulder, squinting into the late afternoon sun, gawking with stunned alarm at the broad rolling muddy waters of the Mississippi…
…it’s every boater’s nightmare – a flash flood...and I realize that my lazy Sunday afternoon lark has turned into a life-or-death situation…
…the wall of water catches me, flips my canoe, and sucks me down, down, down into the muddy abyss. I am tumbling and spinning as if I’m in a giant washing machine of chocolate brown water…
…if only I can reach the surface to draw in a breath of life…but which way is the surface? There’s no way to tell in this fathomless black wasteland, and I realize - in horror - I am too late…and I begin to sink....
This is the regular Saturday thing at Jenny Matlock's called Saturday Centus. On Saturday she gives a prompt (which is the first paragraph above - in bold) and then we have to come up with 100 words or less after it...a sort of creative writing exercise. And believe me - 100 words or less is HARD! That's what makes this so interesting - to tell a quick story in such a limited way...it makes you think, for sure!
Click on Jenny Matlock and you can read other people's entries. Everyone usually comes up with some pretty cool stories!
Soooooooo excellent! I love the whole drama aspect. And I can feel his/her nausea....like being on an amusement park ride.
Love that you chose a boat. Absolutely inspired.
Oh no, figure out which way to the top LOL. Very suspenseful and I liked it. Great post.
NOOO! You can do it, you can do it! Great take on this, evil nature! :)
Found myself fighting for breath! Excellent!
Very wonderfully written ... although it made me cry for other reasons :-/
Deep dark water scares the bejesus outta me...I felt like it was me in the water...YIKES!!!
Wow! Powerful writing! I loved this and how you used the prompt. Great job!
Excellent, I could almost taste the chocolate brown water...though it was not so yummy!
Oh, that's left me breathless!
Beautifully written, you can feel the panic. Great use of the prompt! Kathy
Great Centus! You had me scared. Well done.
Very cool!
I have been in this situation before...great story...intense...peace and blessings
I was worried I would hate to be in that situation ...
AGH...I held my breath as I read this, you make me feel like I'm her! Great one!
wow great story, I want to know happens next!!
Loved the description of the washer machine as chocolate brown....
Oh no DQ. Swim toward the light! No, don't go THAT way! Great, great segue from the prompt.
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