We've been busy this week...packing up the kids, and making a quick getaway from the normally-frozen tundra of the Midwest, but thanks to the myth known as Global Warming, is actually not as frozen as normal....and landing in southwest Florida.
We arrived Tuesday, and walked into our house that is about 75% completed with the extensive remodeling job that was begun in August...so, we had construction tools, dust, chaos, dirt, etc. greeting us.
But who cares - when we're on vacation, right?
And look who joined us:

Yup. Our resident Elf, Buddy, was found lounging at the pool in the back yard - soaking up some rays.
Our week has been spent cleaning, sorting, organizing, meeting with contractors, plumbers, electricians, glass installers, etc - to put the last, finishing touches on the house. We hope, hope, hope that it will be done by our next visit, which isn't until March - so cross your fingers and toes, please.
In between the housework, we've managed to spend some fun time with the kids - shopping, swimming in the pool (it's heated, thank goodness!), chatting with the neighbors, and heading to the beach. Good times.

I so need this Vitamin D that Florida is providing right now - trust me.
Tomorrow, our neighbors have graciously invited us over to watch NFL football, as our cable has not been hooked back up yet, and being the good guests that we are, we've loaded up on some chips and dips so we can party hearty on New Year's Day in 80-degree temperatures.
That's the way to do New Year's. With the family and friends that you love, doing what you enjoy...and in a warm climate.
Buddy would agree.
Peace - and Happy 2012!
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