My sleep was disrupted last night by the sound of…partying.
Laughing. Shrieking. Giggling. Belching.
At first, I thought it might just be a bad dream, but then I heard a distinctive voice say, “There’s a snake in my boot!”
And there’s only one guy who says that…
Woody. From “Toy Story”.
I HAD to get up to investigate…and when I did, I found THIS little tableau in my living room:

Buddy Crocker, our resident Elf, had hosted a pizza party last night, and had invited a few of his friends:
…there was Barbie, in her little seductive Christmas-green slinky dress and wind-blown hair…
…there was Woody, in a root beer-induced drunken stupor, moping and whining to anyone who would listen because Jessie had dumped him yesterday…
…and there was some weird dude with big, muscular arms and war-paint on his face. The guy is wearing camo pants and a Frank Sinatra hat – what’s with THAT??!! And with his 6-pack abs, he appears to be a toy version of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino from the Jersey Shore…
And Buddy, the host…sipping his milk, looking all so innocent…when I KNOW that it was MY credit card he used to pay for that pizza…and heaven knows what kind of tip he gave the delivery guy.
Wait a minute. Maybe the guy in the Sinatra hat IS the delivery guy....?
At least they saved me a slice.
At first, I thought Buddy had on Barbie's boots. I need a nap.
Shhhh....don't tell Buddy...but they ARE Barbie's golden cowboy boots. He doesn't realize he's a cross-dresser. Or at least the kids don't realize that. Yet, anyway. :)
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