Out of the blue last week, my youngest daughter - who is now a freshman in college, which totally freaks me out, because it seems like just yesterday I was blogging about her elementary school exploits - but I digress - asked me if I still blogged.
And how to find my blog, if I still blogged.
And I was stumped.
I haven’t blogged in three years...which is crazy, because I certainly haven’t ran out of things to say (I’m pretty certain I have an opinion on EVERYTHING!!)...but I guess I just ran out of time.
Time. Running out of it, as it speeds along faster than ever, it seems.
So...back to daughter. When she asked me, I seriously had to sit and think for a minute...and then honestly replied, “I’m not sure I would even know how to sign in to write anything anymore.”
Today, I was remembering that conversation, and out of curiosity, decided to sign on and see if it would take me “in.”
So, question asked, and question answered.
But it begs a new question...can I keep this up? Can I commit to writing in my blog again? Even knowing that I probably don’t have any readers any more, and that’s okay, because really, my blog was for myself and for my own thoughts and memories....??
And I think I can do this.
I KNOW I can do this.
Although my kids are now all older, and I don’t have all of that cute, kids-related stuff to write about any more, I have lots of things that I am going through that can be written about...growing older...dealing with retirement, menopause, changes with myself and changes in the world...
I can do this.
Now. Let’s just hit the post button, and see if this really DOES work!!
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