I started a new 12-week Sunday School class this morning - it's a woman's study of the book, "Five Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter." We had a huge turnout for the first week - apparently, there's a lot of moms out there who are struggling with some of the "talks" we all must have....
Several people messaged me, asking what the conversations are...I recommend the book (author is Vicki Courtney), but a quick summary of the 5 conversations are:
Conversation #1: You are more than the sum of your parts...
This appears to deal with body issues, appearance, redefining beauty and the impact that the media has on body image.
Conversation #2: Don't be in such a hurry to grow up...
Discussion includes girlfriends, boyfriends, drugs, gadgets (cell phones, Facebook, internet usage, etc) & how we all seem to have 8-year olds going on 18...
Conversation #3: Sex is great and worth the wait...
I think this one is self-explanatory...
Conversation #4: It's OK to dream about marriage and motherhood...
Discussions include living together before marriage, and career choices, including motherhood...
Conversation #5: Girls gone wild are a dime a dozen...dare to be virtuous...
Emphasizing to our daughters the importance of virtue...
Interesting, huh? Each "conversation" is important and valid and necessary - especially in today's culture. I have to be honest - my dear daughter is now 10, and although we've 'touched' on some of these subjects, I've been rather avoiding sitting down and talking with her in-depth about some things. However, I know the importance of it - as lately, she's been coming home and telling me of her newfound knowledge that she's picked up on the bus (!!!) - and if she heard it on the bus, well then, by golly, you know it has to be true! Yikes - how scary is that?!
I'll try to report back on some of this as we go through our study - but just thought I'd share it for those that were interested. Again, I recommend checking out the book - perhaps one of you can lead a study at your own church - as this is certainly an important topic.
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