I have a confession: I am a Bunco Babe. There – I said it. I admit it. I own it.
Years ago, my neighborhood began a Bunco league – 12 women formed a “club” where we’d get together once a month and play a game of dice. We had two rules: Rule #1: No hubbies. Rule #2: No kiddies. After that – anything goes.
If you’ve never played Bunco before – it’s simple enough. You throw the dice – and if you get 3 of a kind – you scream, “BUNCO!” And you win! And you get all excited! There are “official” rules – and then there are “our” rules. Our rules rock. Our rules allow us the ability to eat – (and boy, do we eat) – and then drink (and boy, do we drink) – and talk (and yes, we do talk!)
And then we eat, drink and talk some more – all the while throwing those little dice and moving from table to table.
I’m heading out tonight to play in my “old” neighborhood. I can’t wait – I had to drop out of the league several years ago because my schedule just wasn’t allowing it – I seemed to be out of town more than I was in town, and it was only fair to become a “substitute” and let someone else take my place that could commit better to actually being there to play. I got called this week to “sub” tonight – and I jumped at the chance to say yes. I gotta’ love that opportunity to have no hubby and no kiddies on a Friday night – and to eat, drink and talk, of course! My specialties!
Since hubby and I are in the process of moving to a new neighborhood, located at a lake, I recently participated in “Boat Bunco” with my new lake-lady neighbors. That rocked – literally. We tied up several pontoon boats on the lake – and had about 30-some women going from boat to boat, playing and talking and eating and drinking. That was a hoot! When you feel tipsy – you don’t know if it’s from the boat or if its from too many martinis…somewhat of an odd feeling! But – imagine the food that 30+ women provided – it was better than Thanksgiving.
Prizes are given for numerous things: most Buncos in the evening (I’ve never won that); last Bunco (I may have won that once? - in all the times I’ve played!); most wins (I’ve won that once, I think – woo hoo) and most losses – I seem to EXCEL at most losses. Which seems to imply that I am a BIG LOSER!!! But that’s okay – because the Biggest Loser takes home cash – and that ain’t bad! Ain’t bad at all!
Even if I don’t take home cash from a night of Bunco, I do go home with the memories of friendships and laughter and connections with some awesome women. And that’s always priceless.
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