So I’m always a bit late for the party.
Facebook – whose face is it, and why is it on a book? I didn’t join until this year – and now I “get it”. An I-phone? What’s that? And what’s an application? I got one in June – and now I can’t possibly imagine my life without it. So – I’m a bit slow on catching on – but I eventually get there.
We bought a new house this summer – complete with furniture. Between it and my existing house, we have a mini-Nebraska Furniture Mart going on. It became increasingly evident that we must sell some of our inventory. Or move it. Ugh. Who wants to move anything? Selling sounded so much better.
Friends suggested CraigsList. Who is Craig, I wondered? And what’s on his “list” that’s so special?
Monday night, I went exploring on the internet to see what this was all about. I’m reasonably intelligent – and so it was relatively easy to see how this works. I informed Hubby that I’m going to try this out. He rolled his eyes. Which made me even more determined to make this work. If you're a woman, you know exactly what I mean by that.
I began by taking a photo of a huge, ugly, white sectional sofa set that was left in the new house by the previous owners.
I then used all of my creative writing skills and my marketing skills to come up with clever advertising to get rid of – oops, I mean sell – said sofa. My skills are negligible – but I did my best.
At 10:45 pm Monday night, I uploaded my photo – along with my clever & witty advertisement – out on CraigsList – and then went to bed.
Tuesday morning, I had over 50 emails in my inbox. Yikes! By lunchtime on Tuesday, I had money in my pocket – and the sectional was gone! Woo hoo!
I quickly looked around and snapped a photo of our TV entertainment center – listed it with Craig – and before I could remove the dust bunnies from under it, it was SOLD! Ka ching –more money in my pocket!
This is great! I snap a photo of not one, but TWO bedroom sets – and they’re now SOLD! Buyers are coming Saturday to pick them up – and I’ll have even MORE money in my pocket!
I LOVE Craig! I love his List! What a guy! I am SO doing the Happy Dance!
When I started snapping photos of my children and writing clever advertising copy of their wonderful attributes – I knew I had gone too far. I need some serious help.
But imagine the price they would have brought??!!
This is very true. And very funny.
Oh, you mean we can't sell our kids on Craglist? Too bad.
I posted my horse, horse trailer and roundpen on Craig's list one evening, and next morning had many replies. Within 4 days, had sold it all, along with some things I had not listed..Yea...Christmas money, and pay off those little nagging credit cards. I too love Craig and his list.
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