We've been very busy lately. Okay, we're busy all the time, I know - but lately we've been EXCEPTIONALLY busy. How's that? Better?
Hubby and I are truly a case of "opposites" attract - in all seriousness. We really don't have a lot in common - and yet we get along famously. I'm the Ying and he's the Yang - the Fric and the Frac - the Tom and the Jerry - etc, etc, etc. However, there is ONE thing that we BOTH agree on - and that's that we both love theater. And museums. And exhibitions.
I always like to say that the "Drama" in "Drama Queen" is because of my love of the stage. Hubby, however, would disagree - and tell you the REAL reason why "Drama" is in front of "Queen." But I digress....
We have indulged our love for theater over the years with an accumulation of season tickets to quite a few of the venues here in town. Hence - our "busyness" lately - all our show dates have hit at the same time. So - here's where we've been:
Last week, we went to see "A Christmas Story - The Musical" at the Kansas City Repertory Theater. This is the world premier of this new musical, based on the popular movie that we've all seen like, a million times. Before we went, I actually had rather low expectations - how could they take a classic movie - that we all know and love - and turn it into a musical?!?! That would be desecrating the memory of Ralphie and his brother, Randy, and the Red Ryder BB Gun. I figured it would be really, really cheesy - but we packed up our 10-year old daughter to go and I promised I would have a good attitude and an open mind.
Honestly? I liked it. I really liked it. I surprisingly liked it. The songs didn't seem "stuck" in the middle of the dialogue - it all actually flowed together very nicely. And the acting - superb. The actor who played The Old Man, John Bolton, was excellent. He stole the stage every time he was on.
The hope is to take this show to Broadway - and I think it just might have a shot. If you have an opportunity - see it!
Last Saturday, we saw "It's A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play" at the American Heartland Theater. When the show opens, we (the audience) were the audience of a 1946 "live" radio play - and it was fascinating to be a part of the "broadcast." The "sound guy" stole this show this time - I found myself watching him at all times to see how he was making the sounds for the radio show - some times amusing, other times startling - and often interesting. The actor who played the actor portraying George Bailey did a dead-on impression of Jimmy Stewart....BUT - he only did his "Jimmy Stewart" voice when portraying the older Mr. Bailey. Interesting twist on it.
It was a more serious show than the previous week - definitely not for children, due to the adult themes running through it - but I don't think there was a dry eye in the house when the curtain came down.
We love our season tickets at AHT - the shows are usually very good and well-produced; we also like the intimacy of the theater - its great to sit so close to the stage and feel like a part of the show.
Yesterday, we packed up the kids and headed down to Kansas City's Union Station for "Chocolate: The Exhibition". This is a history of chocolate - from the days of the Maya to the present day - and even the future of chocolate.
Honestly - I found it a little boring. There was a LOT of reading - which would not keep a child interested - and very few hands-on exhibits or activities. I think the story could have been told a little better - or even some demonstrations of how it's taken from seed and turned into a delicious truffle. Lots and lots of placards to read - very few films or demos - and it was over. For $9.50 a person - I expected more. Although we did receive a free caramel truffle when it was all over. But still....a little disappointing.
On Dec. 23rd, we have tickets to see Garrett Morris at the New Dinner Theater in "Run For Your Wife." Not sounding too Christmasy, huh? We've had season tickets for years to the NDT, and most of the shows are adult, risque, sexy comedies - not too many "feel good" stuff there - but guaranteed to make you laugh. Even if I don't like the show, I ALWAYS love the food. It's always good - and plentiful - and delicious - and sinful. I would go every night just to eat there. It's that good.
That's it, for awhile, at least. I'm always interested in hearing of other shows that people have seen - the good, the bad - whatever. Let me know if there's something out there that I should be seeing. I'll clear my calendar.
Hubby and I are also an opposites attract type couple. At this point, I'm not sure what we ever had in common and think that it was just our closeness (we were neighbors in college) and age that brought us together. Oh well, we still like to sit in the same room and do different things together (I blog, he plays PS3). I wish a trip to the theater were in our plans. He's convinced that he'd hate it, but still wants to go. I'm convinced that I'd love it, but don't want to go and listen to how much he hates it the whole time. I guess we'll figure it all out when we finally have a babysitter for these little babies! Thanks for stopping by my place. come back soon!
Drama Queen, when "Little House on the Prairie" the musical gets to KC it is a good show. I saw it in St. Louis Thanksgiving weekend and it brought back a lot of memories as Melissa Gilbert played the role of Ma Ingalls. So it brought back memories of the TV show as well as the books. Have a Merry Christmas
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