Oh Christmas Meme, Oh Christmas Meme...thanks to my friend, Kate, over at fab50.blogspot.com, I am going to answer the following Christmas-themed questions, as it's the Eve of Christmas Eve and I have so many things to do and so little time and I have to find the hidden presents and run some errands and...well....you know how it is. Ahem. Here we go:
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper…but if the present is like, really odd-shaped or big-assed huge, then it doesn’t get wrapped and it's put out Christmas morning, and it’s now from Santa. (I cheat. Deal with it.) I hate wrapping. I really do. Sigh.
2. Real tree or Artificial? I refuse to be a part of the tree massacre each year when thousands of trees are chopped down by ax-wielding murderers. I swear, if my tree were real, I’d hear it screaming in agony as it sits there dying, day by day. So – I take fake. If you don’t like that – suck it. It works for me – and I don’t feel guilty looking at a dying tree every day in my living room.
3. When do you put up the tree? Whenever I can nag my hubby long and hard enough that he finally gives up and drags the tree upstairs for me to decorate. Preferably the day after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? December 26th. Except for this year – because we screwed up and planned a freakin’ Christmas party on the 26th – so now my tree gets ONE more day of grace and doesn’t come down until the 27th. Dammit – I will so NOT do this again – plan a party on the 26th – cuz that one extra day is going to drive. me. crazy. Yeah, I've got the Christmas spirit, can't you tell?!
5. Do you like eggnog? Love it. Especially with a little rum. Rum ta tum tum.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My red leather go-go boots which made me so incredibly hot and sexy that my friends could hardly stand for me to be in the same room with all my hotness and sexiness oozing from my 7-year old pores.
7. Hardest person to buy for? Hubby. Christmas also happens to be his birthday – so it’s DOUBLY hard this time of year.
8. Easiest person to buy for? My sons – one of them is a book-a-holic, and the other is a University-of-Oklahama-holic, which makes my life so easy. Just buy some Sci-Fi books, and some OU-themed stuff, and I'm good to go. Done.
9. How do you decorate your tree--matchy-matchy or hodgepodge? Uh, both? All the “balls” are matchy-matchy- this year, they're white & silver... but the ornaments are from our travels all over the world. Wherever we go, I buy an ornament for the tree - and as we're decorating, it's fun to remember our adventures and travels.
10. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Christmas morning. Duh – Santa doesn’t come until then – so why would I open up presents before then? The best gifts are from Santa – I want to wait for the GOOD stuff.
11. Favorite Christmas song? I have a lot of favorite songs, but my favorite is Emerson Lake & Palmer’s “Father Christmas.” A close second is Trans Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas Canon."
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Hands down, my favorite Christmas movie is Cary Grant & Loretta Young in the original, “The Bishop’s Wife.” Love it. After church on Christmas Eve, you can bet your sweet buppy that I'm in front of the TV, with the DVD popped in, watching me some Cary. Ooh la la. And he plays an angel. Even better.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? The day after Thanksgiving. After the tree is done, I plop down on the laptop and begin my shopping. I hide the gifts – and I’ve been known to forget where the hiding place is…which really sucks when it’s Christmas Eve and you’re in a panic because you’ve lost half the gifts and you’re running around the house like a crazy woman trying to find them and your hubby just stands there watching you, shaking his head and muttering, “Why does she DO this every year?”.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes. And I am not ashamed. I figure it’s going to a better home, where it will be loved and taken care of. The gift is happy. I'm happy. It's all good.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Peppermint bark, with Christmas cookies a close second.
16. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Oh, stay home. I love it when the family is all together – that’s the best present of all.
17. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Of course - all 10 of them. What? You don’t think there’s 10 reindeer? Well, let’s name them: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer & Vixen….Comet, Cupid, Donner & Blitzen (always my favorite – we all need to get a little blitzed at Christmas.) And then there’s Rudolph, up front, of course, leading the way on the sleigh. And the 10th reindeer is “Olive”…as in “Olive, the other Reindeer” – who used to laugh and call Rudolph names….which was really bad for Olive to do, but oh, well – if I was named “Olive”, I might just do that, too.
18. What do you want to do for Christmas this year? Eat, drink and be merry!
God bless us, everyone! And God bless all of you, dear readers, as well as your friends and family!
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