Last night, hubby and daughter and I attended a Christmas wedding.
It's been quite awhile since we've been to a Christmas wedding - I had forgotten how beautiful they are...elegant green dresses, fragrant red roses, and twinkling white lights and candlelight - all putting everyone into the holiday spirit.
The bride - a friend of mine whom I met last year on a mission trip to Jamaica. Rachel and I roomed together - and we spent many a night, laying in the Jamaican heat, listening to the goats and reggae music blaring outside our window, sharing stories of our families, her fiance, and planning her wedding. Here's a shot of us from last January:
The ceremony was short, sweet and profound...the pastor, although fresh out of the seminary, gave a moving message that hit home. The music, although simple, was fitting and beautiful.
After the ceremony, we drove a few miles to the reception - and WOW! It was like walking into a winter wonderland - I couldn't get over the decorations. And yet - while I was absorbing the elegance and beauty of my surroundings, what did my wandering eye see? Off to one side? Is that a CANDY STATION? With chocolate??

And then...just when I didn't think it could get any better....it did. I turned away from the Candy Station and my eyes spotted the best invention ever in the history of mankind. I mean, life does not get any better than this, folks. There it was - in all it's glory....(insert trumpet fanfare here)....
A chocolate fountain. A 3-foot tall tower of oozing, melting, heavenly food-of-the-Gods chocolate, cascading down in oodles and oodles of delicious puddles, with a cornucopia of delightful & tasty fruits, cookies, breads, candies, etc just waiting to be speared and then dipped in to the fountain of heaven.

I almost needed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation - as well as an AED machine - as my breath stopped and so did my heart. Just for a moment. And then I quickly recovered and walked - in a hypnotized trance - over to the Alter of Chocolate - where I bowed in deep reverence. I sent up a whispered prayer of thanksgiving, "Thank you, Jesus. And thank you, Santa. I believe." And then I went to work.
A delightful buffet dinner, cake, dancing, toasting and conversation followed. We met someone who works for "The Jay Leno Show." Seriously. Okay - that may not sound like a big deal - but when you live in the sticks of Kansas City - in the middle of the boonies, like we do - that was a BIG DEAL! We were impressed.
And then - time for the bouquet toss. My dear daughter hasn't been to too many weddings; she asked innocently, "Why are all the girls going up there?"
I explained to her what was about to happen, and half-jokingly suggested she join the posse of girls...and so she promptly did.
What happened next defies explanation. When Rachel, the bride, tossed the bouquet - I saw a 10-year old girl make a Major-League, gravity-defying 6-foot vertical/sideways jump - snagging the bouquet in one hand, and fist-pumping with the other....It was an AMAZING catch - similar to this one:

Part of me was proud - I mean, that jump/dive/catch would make the highlight reel of ESPN proud - and the other half was mortified. She jumped/dove/cut off about 50 women to make that catch.
Hubby and daughter and I quickly said goodbye to Rachel & the groom - and then slunk out of there - me with my bulging bag of chocolate from the Candy Station - and my daughter with her beautiful bouquet of red roses. We were both ashamedly happy. And then we wonder why we aren't invited to too many Christmas weddings.
Hahaha - that is too funny! Your daughter catching the bouquet and leaving with tons of chocolate. I'd say you had a pretty successful night, huh?
Thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like a lovely time...too bad you didn't have a little plastic container to get some of the chocolate fountain - ha! Or did you? Now I have to wonder just a little bit, DQ.
Sounds sweet! I liked the chocolate and WHITE chocolate fountains! How pretty!
Tamara - you're right - it was successful - just a little mortifying!
Jenny - Um, my daughter suggested I take my plastic drink cup over to the fountain and just "fill 'er up" with chocolate....and so, it did cross my mind!
AJ - You can never have too much chocolate, right?!
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