Santa came! He came! I must have been on the GOOD list - and not the naughty list - as Santa left me some delicious chocolate. Yummo - Santa seems to always come through.
I was worried - first, I never know which list I'm on - and second, Kansas City had a record-setting blizzard last night. We're digging our way out today so we can head to Grandma's house for food, fun and making merry.
And - I have PROOF that Santa came last night. Here's a photo of him, in my OWN living room, caught in the act last night:

Awesome, huh? I know my daughter's jaw dropped when she saw the photo this morning....I think she was having doubts, but no more - she knows, as do I, that Santa is ALIVE and WELL!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Very beautiful post. Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Phivos - and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
I'm glad you "found" your way over from my European Adventures blog - as you can see, I didn't stop writing - just "moved" it over here to my day-to-day blog.
I look forward to reading your blog!
That's pretty awesome. I wish I had been able to do stuff like that when my daughter was little, but I didn't have a computer then.
I keep seeing these "I caught Santa" photos being posted on various blogs. Where was something like that when my daughters were little? I would have loved to see the expression on her face when she saw it. Some day she'll thank you for keeping the magic alive a little bit longer.
LOVE the picture. :) Fun times!
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