Wednesday, September 19, 2012

On My Soapbox: Facebook

Image from HERE...

Never has a topic been so passionately discussed...debated...defended...derided....

Supporters will vehemently offer up myriads of reasons of why it is so beneficial...while detractors will sneer and throw out all the reasons of why it is the bane of our society...

...of what am I referring to?

Why, Facebook, of course.

I'm actually in the supporter camp, myself.

Well. I USED to be, anyway. Times are a'changing, and I'll explain why...(stepping up on my soapbox)

Over the last few years, I have enjoyed reconnecting with old friends, as well as making new ones...

...I have enjoyed learning of the myriad of causes that my friends and coworkers are passionate, over the years, I've expanded my awareness of autism, March of Dimes, cystic fibrosis, breast cancer, disabilities, and pet adoptions - just to name a few....

...I have traveled around the world vicariously through the photos and postings of my friends, with special note taken of places I know that I, personally, will never have the opportunity to visit "in real life"....

...I have enjoyed photos shared of children, pets, possessions, activities, and food... reveling in the fact that, although I wasn't there in person, I can still celebrate life's joyous occasions such as Homecoming, birthdays, prom, births of grandchildren, etc....

...I have been tickled with numerous jokes and funny photos, getting daily chuckles from the clever witticisms and humor that is so pervasive online....

...I have been inspired by daily inspirational messages from people from all walks of faith, from all over the world, which has sometimes led me to examine my own faith more closely....

...I have kept up on news, pop culture, and trends as fast as the messages of social media can well as keeping up on the activities and news of my numerous friends, family and coworkers....

With all that said, however, there is ONE area that I passionately dislike about Facebook...and that, my dear readers, is...politics.


Every day, especially now that our country's election is getting ever-closer, my Facebook wall is bombarded with political messages, cartoons, links, etc., by perhaps well-intentioned friends...but has me shaking my head in bewilderment.

When it comes to politics, my theory is as follows:

You have your opinion, and I have mine.

Nothing you can say will ever change my opinion, as nothing I can say will ever change yours.

Add in the fact that our country is so divided at this time, it amazes me that people will post the slams, the diatribes, the insults, the negativity, knowing (or perhaps not knowing??) that they're upsetting about 50% of their Facebook audience....

Why would they do that?

Why would they post something that's going to alienate half of their audience?

I realized the other day that I was not even ON Facebook during the 2008 elections, so perhaps this is why this is driving me a bit's still all a bit new to me, I guess.

And until the elections are over, I've somewhat distanced myself from Facebook... pardon me if I miss pictures of your grandchildren...or your recent trip to Costa Rica...or your latest joke.

It's not that I don't care. I DO, actually.

It's that I just can't take the negativity that's also out there at this time.

November can't come soon enough in my little world.

That is all. I'm off my soapbox now.



1 comment:

Mental P Mama said...

I have actually unsubscribed from several folks...