The call came about an hour after I had arrived in Joplin on May 25th.
It was my Mom, with the devastating news that my sister's cancer has been reclassified from Stage 1 to a more ominous Stage 3.
I was already in a bit of shock after seeing the devastation in Joplin firsthand - and my Mom's tearful phone call just added more anxiety to a very stressful situation.
I quickly gave a pep talk to my Mom, telling her that it didn't matter what "stage" it was - Traci's a fighter and she's going to kick the cancer's a$$; she also has the love and support of our family, who will be there beside her every step of the way.
The next two weeks were spent on an adrenaline-rush, with my focus and concentration on doing the job in Joplin - I couldn't really reflect on what Traci was going through until the late hours of the evening as I'd lie in my bed in my quiet, darkened dorm room.
I didn't cry when my Mom called me on May 25th - but I sobbed like crazy about 3 nights later...delayed reaction, I guess.
Anyway, I know some of my Dear Readers have asked about Traci's prognosis, and I just wanted to update everyone.
She has opted to do chemotherapy and radiation simultaneously, and her treatments should begin in the next week. She's in good spirits - and has been able to maintain her good sense of humor about the whole thing.
I'm not sure what the future is going to bring...but, as I said before, we're in this fight together and we'll get through it.
And I will be holding you all in my thoughts and prayers.
We will keep your sister and your family in our prayers.
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