Wrong holiday.
I mean, Happy Halloween!!!!
Halloween...one of my most favorite days of the year...the day when you can dress up as anything you want to be, take on a different persona, and get candy from strangers.
Trick-or-treating as a child was always a delight...walking on the sidewalks with my friends, lugging along a pillowcase that would get increasingly heavy as the evening wore on, and counting down the minutes until the much-anticpated "Loot Inspection" once I got home.
Loved the chocolate. Hated the peanut butter thingies in the orange and black wrappers.
But seriously hated the plastic spiders or the pencils that the dentists in the neighborhood would pass out. Ack.
And seriously hated having to share the loot with my parents...but totally seeing the benefit of that once I became a parent myself. Hee.
Here are some Halloween photos over the years at our house...Enjoy!

Me...circa 1966, at the age of 4...a Wicked Witch....

Brad, as a 1-year old race car driver, in 1990...

Brad, as a 2-year old clown, in 1991...

Brad, as a 3-year old pirate, in 1992....

Me and the boys in 1994...

In 1995, Brad was a knight and Taylor was a cat...Taylor was still young enough I could force "cute" on him....

By 1996, the boys wanted "Scary" and wanted nothing to do with "cute." Sigh.

By 2000, the boys were joined by their little sister, who was a decidedly cute Tigger....
And here we are, 11 years after that last picture was taken.
Oldest son is now a senior in college, far from home.
Younger son is 18 and will be working tonight at his job...no dressing up for him anymore.
And my daughter is spending the evening across the lake, at her girlfriends' houses, where she'll trick-or-treat one last time. But not with us. Sigh.
Life goes on. Kids get older.
And yet the kid that's still inside me will always enjoy Halloween.
Be safe tonight, however you choose to celebrate.