An interesting weekend, to say the least...
Being that it was supposed to be the end of the world - we partied like it was 1999....
Friday night was spent hosting our son's graduation party - lots of food, lots of people, and lots and lots of mess to clean up on Saturday.
So, that's how I spent Saturday. Cleaning. Hey - if the Rapture was going to happen later that evening, I wanted a clean house. I'd just rest easier, if you know what I mean.
Saturday evening, it was our monthly stint to volunteer at our church, so I couldn't think of a better place to be if the End of the World were to happen...but it didn't. We did our usual ushering, enjoying the message that night, and then went out for a delicious dinner and a movie.
Sunday, we headed to the Royals game - where we saw the Royals fight back from a 7-1 deficit against the St. Louis Cardinals, only to lose the game 9-7 in the 10th inning. And how did we lose? We WALKED two consecutive batters while the bases were loaded. Yup - the Cardinals scored two runs without a single hit.
Pathetic. But fun. Good day; good crowd; fantastic seats.
After the game, we headed over to my folks' house for a picnic...some family friends were in town and it was great to reconnect.
Unfortunately, as we were reconnecting and having fun, little did I know of what was happening in Joplin, Missouri - my neighbor to the south. It wasn't until we got home around 8:30 pm and I turned on the TV that I saw the horror of what the town was experiencing.
After something like that...it kinda' puts everything into perspective, and makes one appreciate the time we DO spend with families and friends.
What does the future hold for the people of Joplin? Of Tuscaloosa? Of Redding, KS - a small town destroyed on Saturday by a tornado?
I don't know...but I know they'll get through it - with the help and encouragement and support of family, friends, strangers, officials, and volunteers...
Enjoy the day. Enjoy the time with your loved ones. Appreciate what you have and say a prayer for those who lost everything over the weekend.
hi thought about you last night and this morning throughout the storms. We live close to Joplin, so we were glued to the tv. I wondered if you were there helping. Any way we are safe and sound
Glad to know you're safe and sound!
I'm not deployed there yet - on standby - and so spent the day doing Public Affairs; monitoring Facebook and Twitter, trying to get pertinent information out.
What a sad, sad thing, huh? Can't believe it; and now it's raining today....
They are still popping up. One was even on the Lysol can in the bathroom. I probably won't get to heaven for the bad words I used. We sprayed outside and inside Yuk!
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