So at Bunco last night, I overhear one of the moms asking another mom what her daughters were going to be for Halloween.
I choked on my drink and had a mini panic attack – oh my God! Was it already time for Halloween? Holy smokes! Where did the time go? How did THAT happen?
I rushed to the nearest calendar I could find – thankfully, almost everyone has one on her refrigerator – and saw that it was only September 25th. Whew. I let out a sigh of relief. I still have a MONTH before I even have to THINK about costumes. I mean, seriously – my Halloween costume shopping happens on October 30th – it’s a tradition that I adhere to proudly. I’ve learned from experience that if I buy a costume before October 30th – it will either be lost, dirty and/or ripped apart – by Bewitching Hour on October 31st.
But then – it got worse! I overheard one of the moms describing – in detail – the costumes that she was SEWING for her two daughters. I look confused – and asked, “Sewing? What is this word, ‘sewing’? I am not familiar with this term.”
After the mom enlightened me on the joys (ha) of working with material, thread and gasp! – needles in order to assemble a Halloween costume, I silently thanked God for Target and costumes hanging on nice, plastic hangers – no assembly necessary.
And I silently thanked God that kids aren’t allowed at Bunco, and therefore my kids had no chance of hearing how other moms "sewed" said costumes.
So – until October 30th – there will be no more mention of Halloween costumes in my world.
Question: Do any other mothers out there sew their kids' costumes for Halloween? Do you use patterns? Or wing it? I am just curious about this "sewing" thing...unheard of.
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