...the one in which I score a BONUS!!!
It was after 1:00 pm, and before exploring the Metropolitan a bit further on our own, we needed sustenance.
There is a cafe located on the Main Floor of the museum, but the line of people crowding the hostess desk - all waiting to get seated - was frightful. We decided to explore other options, and ended up downstairs at the cafeteria.
What a delightful place...it's a self-service cafeteria, reminiscent of my days back in school - with different "islands" for pasta, grill, salad, and dessert offerings. The three of us split up and headed off to our different choices, promising to meet back up at the cashier's line.
After going through the pasta line, where I got a HUGE serving of pasta with some delicious creme vodka sauce, I meandered over to the dessert area...just for research purposes for this blog, you know....
Is that a Crumbs cupcake that I see??!!

With sprinkles, no less??!!
Crumbs Bake Shop may be the largest cupcake chain in the United States - with over 67 stores - but sadly, Kansas City is lacking one of those....And after hearing about and reading about this little bakery, it was on my list of contestants in our own "Cupcake Wars" - in our Quest for the Perfect Cupcake.
For research purposes, it was necessary - no, make that MANDATORY - that I get this cupcake.
Of course, when I meet up with Hubby at the cashier, and he sees this brightly-colored monstrosity on my tray, he just shook his head.
He just doesn't get it.
Now...in order to judge the entries in Cupcake Wars...I'd first split the entry open. This was all the better to see if there were hidden surprises inside - like this one, full of delicious creme filling:

Yum...look at that! I LOVE me some creme filling!
Then...I go for the gusto:

I assumed a fork would make it less messy. I assumed wrong.
The verdict?
Good...not too sweet...and not too dry, especially with the bonus creme filling on the inside.
But messy as all get out.
Those sprinkles, that looked SOOOO yummy and delicious on the frosting, ended up being a pain in the a$$. They went EVERYWHERE. I think some even managed to go down my top. Seriously. I think I'm STILL picking out sprinkles.
Maybe that's why it's called "Crumbs" - as in, you get crumbs EVERYWHERE.
Still not the Perfect Cupcake.
More research would be needed.
Notice I didn't take any photos of our pasta...imagine that. In fact...what pasta? Did I eat pasta? I don't remember - I have sprinkles on the brain. And in my hair. And down my top. Gah.
After fortification of pasta, cupcakes and Ibuprofen (for our sore legs), we headed back out to the Museum, where we spent a few more hours, taking in things we still wanted to see....
...we visited the Modern Art galley for Daughter's sake...
...we visited a Civil War photograph special exhibition for Hubby's sake...
...as for me? I was still dealing with errant sprinkles, so I was preoccupied.
Soon...it was about 3:30 pm...time to say goodbye to the ever-crowded museum, and head to our next stop...Tiffany & Co.
And this...THIS...is where all hell broke loose.
Stay tuned....
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