Saturday, January 1, 2011

One Day I'll Learn

I sometimes forget that I'm 48 years old - and not 21 years old.

However, whenever I DO forget, my 48-year old body will quickly remind me with sadistic glee - so my delusions don't usually last too long.

Today was one of those days.

We spent the better part of 2.5 hours this morning playing tennis with the kids. I, as usual, was true-to-form. My forehand sucks (I seem to "roll" my wrist when hitting the ball - that doesn't work so well); my backhand is awesome; and my serve needs some work. But it's coming along.

Ready for Wimbledon? I think not.

In the Florida heat and humidity, I managed to sweat off a good 2.5 pounds. That was the good news. The bad news was that my right arm could be amputated at this point and it wouldn't hurt any worse. Gah.

The kids playing...the beauty of the courts alone would entice anyone to play!

Um...this ISN'T DodgeBall, is it??

But - believing in the mistaken delusion that I am young and vigorous and athletic - I drug my sorry-butt to the Putt Putt golf course this afternoon with the kids. I guess I didn't feel that I had had enough torture this morning, so I decided to add just a bit more punishment before the day was over.

Is this not one of the prettiest Putt Putt courses ever?!

Now, I know Putt Putt doesn't require stamina - but it does involve bending over to pick up that little ball.

And my bending over is a little bent out of shape at the moment. Again - gah.

Ready for the LGPA? I don't think so....

The kids had fun. I had fun.

"Uh, I think it's supposed to come out of THIS hole!"

Florida's "other" official residents - just don't hit one with the ball!

But I will SO be paying for it now for the next day or two.

Bengay is my new best friend.



1 comment:

Mental P Mama said...

LOL....I think your form is awesome. I would have some Ben Gay with a side of Chardonnay. But I've got a few years on you, I'm a little wiser;)