Take a half-dozen or so women, who've known each other since high school (for the most part)...
...send them on a weekend adventure to Estes Park, where the country's largest Celtic festival is being held...
...add in some men in kilts...Scotch...beer...vodka...more men in kilts...more beer...rhythmic music...and more vodka...amidst the beautiful backdrop of the Rocky Mountains...
...and what do you have??
One wild and crazy Girls Weekend Out, filled with adventure, dancing, drinking, eating, giggling, sharing, talking, forging new friendships and strengthening old ones, and laughing. Lots and lots of laughing. Yup - pretty much filled with everything but sleeping. Gah.
Observations made over my Most Excellent Adventure:

*It IS true what they say about what authentic Scottish men wear (or don't wear, so to speak) under their kilts. EEP!
*Bagpipes are truly some of the most amazing instruments that were ever invented. I'm not musically inclined, by any means, but I can strum a simple song on a guitar - or pluck out Chopsticks on a piano. However, I don't think I even know how to hold ON to a freakin' bagpipe.

*Speaking of bagpipes, when a hundred or so bagpipes begin playing "Amazing Grace" - I will always, always cry. Always.

*It is always heartening to spend quality time with girlfriends, bonding over our shared experiences of womanhood...especially when every one gets along and there is no drama....

*Haggis is disgusting...and yet, Scotch Eggs are God's gift to mankind...
*I don't have a lick of Scottish or Irish in me - I'm German, and when I watched the parade with the different clans marching, I was a little envious...as I know I'll never have that. As we all know, whenever Germans organize and begin marching in parades, people tend to get nervous....

*The band Albannach is pretty hot...I watched them in concert five times over two days at the festival, and every time, they brought down the house. Tribal Scottish music...with drums pounding and a bagpipe wailing...is amazing.

*Needing a break from two days of the festival, dealing with almost 80,000 barbarians, we spent Sunday in Rocky Mountain National Park, and it was absolutely stunning....

*Actually, we didn't even have to venture into the park...the view right outside the back door of our condo was pretty freakin' amazing....
Yes, a most excellent adventure, and one that will always be remembered.

Sounds like you need to come on a UK/Ireland cruise Sherri...
Alan G (aka Big Chik on CC)
My 11th year for aforementioned trip, and I must say: Best.Group.Ever!!! You got it right - no drama or even issues!! Just a wonderful time with lots of laughs and you said it also - not enough sleep. Thanks for coming and for sharing!! Let's do it again in 2014!!! Love, Suz
Loved the pics from your weekend trip.
Just want to say, I truly enjoyed reading about your trip to NY!!!! You surely did it all!!!! I should have written down when I was reading, where to go and the best dessert place!!!!
Take care,
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