I feel so "Lois Lane."
I am LOVING my new assignment in Public Affairs with the Red Cross, here in Colorado. I'm not sure if it's because of my love of writing - or my love of talking - but either way, I was BORN FOR THIS.
The last few days have been spent chasing down leads for stories - and then talking. Lots and lots of talking and trying to flush out an interesting "human interest" story....
My partner, Allan, was telling someone else why I'm good at this job, and he said, "Sherri's good at accosting people."
I looked at him in askance, and he quickly amended his statement.
"I mean, 'approaching' people and putting them at ease."
Well. Much better. I don't like to think that I "ACCOST" people. Gah.
However, I'll let you be the judge. It just so happens that a few photos were taken today while I was covering the Disaster Assistance Center, in Longmont, Colorado.
I submit into evidence, Photo #1:

Talking with Dorothea, a volunteer who is doing casework....
...and Photo #2:

Talking with Edith, a FEMA worker....
Seriously, does that look like accosting??!!!
The Disaster Assistance Center, or "DAC", is like a "one-stop" shopping for assistance after a disaster. Numerous agencies and organizations set up booths/tables in one centralized location, and people can visit the booths of the various agencies that can possibly offer them assistance. This is a relatively recent idea, and it's pretty cool. In the old days, a family may have to drive all over town, trying to hunt down the places that could offer help - which could not only take a lot of time, but could also leave open the possibility of missing out on assistance.
The last two days, I've been covering the DAC in Longmont, but tomorrow, I'll head north to Lyons, Colorado - where the DAC will just be opening. It hasn't been able to open until now due to the extensive damage in the town - so this will be interesting.
Hopefully, I won't be accosting anyone - but I WILL sniff out some good stories.
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