Do you have "aha" moments?
I know I have....those moments in life when I am hit with an epiphany...and make life-changing decisions that (hopefully) have improved my life and made it worth living....
I received an interesting email last week, from a woman named Megan R. (Last name withheld for protection!) Megan works for a production company that produces Mutual of Omaha's ad campaign featuring "life's aha moments".
I've seen these little snippets on television...they've captured my attention, because it shows real people talking about those little moments that changed their lives. I've found them thought-provoking and inspirational...
...so imagine my surprise when Megan mentioned that she had come across this blog, and was inviting me to film my own "aha" moment for the campaign.
Mutual of Omaha has a 34-foot Airstream mobile film studio that is traveling the country on a 25-city tour to capture the country's aha moments...the Airstream was in Kansas City last week to film, but unfortunately...I was not. So - no aha moment on film for me.
But that's okay...this blog is full of little aha stories, and that's enough for me....Plus, just the honor of being personally invited to come in and film is pretty cool.
If YOU want to see what an aha moment is, visit their website at www.ahamoment.com. And keep your eyes open - if the Airstream visits YOUR city, you may have a wonderful opportunity to share YOUR moment!
How cool! Darn, I wish this would have worked for you! You would have been the super star of the whole project.
She certainly asked the right lady! I wish you could have done it but I am sure whatever you were doing was as wonderful.
I am happy I have found you. You are a bright spot in my day!
Jenny Matlock! I'm always glad to see your smiling face on my blog...and thank you for the nice words!!! I have missed you this summer - I hope all is well!
Terri - what an epic compliment! Thank you so much! I am happy to have found YOU! And one of these days, we will get together "in real life" for a drink and a toast - we're neighbors, after all!
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