The Bucket List...or Life List...or whatever it is you want to call it...has generated a lot of comments and emails from some readers.
"How's it going?" some ask.
"Great idea! I should do that!" others have said.
Honestly? I struggle with this list...
I've put some things on there that I think, personally, are a little outrageous - and the odds of me accomplishing them are highly improbable. And yet...they remain. Why? I'm not sure...something to dream about, perhaps? Something to aspire to?
Perhaps when I blogged the other day about pushing our baby birds out of the nest to fly, we need to stretch our own wings sometimes and fly, too...fly a little higher, fly a little longer....and a Bucket List causes you to do that. Fly.
Look at #12 on my list..."Take up Kayaking."
In my world, kayaking is scary. I don't like water. I can't swim. If I had a guarantee that, as I sit in my kayak, I would NEVER tip over and get dunked - I would be so totally cool with kayaking....but there's that element of risk...that small chance of falling into a lake - that freaks me out. Just a little.
Hubby bought me a kayak for my birthday (at my request). My birthday was in June.
The kayak has sat, unused, since...it has been staring at me, taunting me...and sending out a silent challenge.
Yesterday? I met that challenge. With a little push from Hubby, actually. He walked into the bedroom - threw my lifejacket at me - and said, "I dare you."
Well, that was all it took. I can never turn down a dare. Darn it.
I kayaked yesterday for about 15 minutes...tentatively at first, getting bolder and stronger and more confident with each stroke. I had Hubby on the dock, watching me, just in case I should tip over...I needed support. And I didn't tip. And it was pretty cool.
And this morning? I went solo. By myself. And I kayaked for 45 minutes....
And it was AWESOME.
I was the only one on the lake this morning...I could hear every bird...every lap of the water as it struck the kayak...and it was EMPOWERING.
I was flying. Like an eagle. And life is good.
What's on YOUR Life List?
I challenge each of you to do something on that list in the next few days.
Do a little flying yourself.
I love this! Congratulations!
My comment list (because I love lists)
1. I'm jealous you live on a lake.
2. Yay you for crossing another thing off of your list.
3. I don't have a list.
4. I need to make a list ~ now.
Woo hoo! I bet your arms are really sore, but you still feel great!
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