The big problem with vacations is that they come to an end...and when you come back to the "real" world, you find yourself facing multitudes of chores, errands and tasks that are now behind and must be done as soon as humanely possible.
It was nice to push those tasks to the side while relaxing on a beach...out of sight, out of mind, so to speak...life on "hold" for a brief respite...
...but now it's time to pay the piper. And what a payment the piper is demanding.
I have three kids that need to be getting enrolled for school...the grade schooler, the high school senior, and the college junior. Paperwork to complete; tuition and housing costs to review and insure that scholarships have paid for; senior photos to schedule; haircuts to get; school supplies to shop for...the list goes on and on and on....
I have lots and lots of Red Cross events coming up that will be demanding time...community education programs are rampant this time of year, and I have three scheduled for this week alone. One at the local police department, one at a local senior citizen home, and one at a local apartment complex...each taking several hours to prepare and perform and wrap-up.
With the upcoming start of school, this also brings a new year of Girl Scouts. I have not EVEN glanced at my curriculum books to get a program mapped out for the school year for my eight little Junior Scouts....and our first meeting is coming up in August. Yikes. I had planned all summer to get this done, and somehow...? The summer got away from me.
Doesn't it always?
It goes too fast...all of our plans for summer - catching up on reading, catching up on errands, catching up on life - just never seems to happen....
And before we know it, school looms ever closer in the distance.
I'm off today to start the myriad of errands I need to get done...pick up the pets from boarding; enroll daughter in grade school; volunteer at church where we serve the lunches to the low-income children; and go by the post office to pick up our held mail from vacation. And this all needs to be done by noon...as the afternoon and evening has it's own list of things to get accomplished.
Absolutely! There is a price to be paid for vacations! However, I wouldn't trade them in for the world!
All good things must come to an end... until next time!
Oh DQ, I'm with you. WHERE oh WHERE did the summer go this year?
the worst part of a vacation is going back home.:S that's why in the future i just want to get a home by the beach and make my own business so i won't have to face the reality of going to office.
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