As much as I love to travel, and as much as I love to go on mission trips, AND - as much as I love to escape the frozen, snowy, icy tundra of the midwest and head south this time of year -
I made a horrible, horrible, HUGE boo-boo when I signed on for this trip to Belize.
A mistake of epic proportions that can't be undone - that can't be fixed - and will forever live now, in my memory, as the year of the "What the hell was she thinking???!!!???!!" moment.
I know, I know - you all thought I was perfect. It's understandable. Most people do. I even get caught up in that belief every now and then - and then I am shamefully brought down to earth with a shattering thud when I realize I SCREWED UP. Big time.
"What is it?" you ask, in breathless wonder...."What can be so horrible about this trip? What did you screw up?"
Well, I'll tell you, Dear Readers. I hope you're sitting down. And aren't prone to heart attacks or anything. Because when you read this, the shock of it may send you into an immediate faint/coma - or to the nearest cardiac unit to get revived.
Are you ready?
Okay....here goes....
....taking deep breath.....
I am going to miss the Super Bowl on Sunday.
Oh. My. God.
You're looking at one of the BIGGEST, most FANATICAL football fans in the country - who lives and dies for Sundays during football season -
- and I will be in a Belizan jungle on Sunday.
Oh. My. God.
I can set the DVR to record it - but...deep sigh....it's just not the same.
Uh oh.
awwwwww...i'll trade you! you can stay home and watch football and I'LL go to belize for you! that sounds great!
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