Saturday, August 7, 2010

Highway Robbery

Excuse me if I seem a little dazed right now...

I have a son who will be a junior at college this, we sat down to order his books online before he left to go move into the dorm.

See this?

Total : $877.63

THIS is the total amount due for his books. This is for 15 credit hours...and for 41 books.


THAT is absolutely ridiculous. Forty-one books??!!! Almost $900???!!!

Now, excuse me while I go faint.




Kate said...

Welcome to college life. Wait until you start checking out all the fees: lab fee, student activity fee, and on and on and on...

Terri Steffes said...

That's ridiculous. Time for a letter to the college president. Outrageous.

Anonymous said...

That is insane! My husband works at a university and they are starting a book rental system. It will save the kids/parents a lot of cash.

lacochran's evil twin said...

That *is* insane. Aren't any of them "optional"? Seems to be there were required texts and suggested or optional texts, yes? No? Crazy.

Emily said...

Holy cow, that's crazy! The most I ever spent -- as a lit major in college -- was around $450. But there are ways to shave money off that total... Buy used whenever possible. Check out Amazon once you have the book list for deals. I got a majority of my lit books from the public library when I got smart and decided to look there. (Around my junior year.)